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Financial Calculators , Mortgage Calculators: Fixed Mortgage, Adjustable Rate Mortgages ARM, Mortgage APR Calculators and More! Financial Calculators you can put on your website! Colorful, interactive, graphing financial calculators. Free downloads! Calculator Trial Period Ended For:, KJE Calculator License Not Found for:, Free Financial Calculators

Knowledge Base - How to remove "KJE Calculator License Not Found for: (website)" on my calculators

If you see these error messages on a development, test or QA server:
- Calculator Trial Period Ended For:
- KJE Calculator License Not Found for:

Try this: Open "KJE.js"
Search for this one: KJE.TrialReplace1=2
Or search for this one: KJE.kujaleip=Date.parse(new Date())>(1496054292381)
Replace with: KJE.kujaleip=0

Make Sure You Clear Your Browser's Cache Files


Before (From Website):


Before (Trial Version):

P=W-1;P>=0;P--){if(Q==M[P]){U.kujaleip=false}}KJE.kujaleip=Date.parse(new Date())>(1496054292381);U.CalculatorTitleShow=U.CalculatorTitle=(b.get("TITLE_TEMPLATE",





See the Calculators on this site.

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