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- How can I change the graph colors and fonts?
To change the colors used on the bars, lines and pie charts, you need to edit the KJESiteSpecific.js file and change the line below (note that this line in your actual file should not have any line returns):
KJE.gColorList = ["#000055", "#7B68EE", "#64A650", "#FFF200", "#5f007f", "#F15A22", "#B72467", "#6DC8BF", "#00007f", "#ff00ff", "#ffff00", "#00ffff", "#7f007f", "#7f0000", "#007f7f", "#0000ff", "#00c8ff", "#60ffff", "#bfffbf", "#ffff90", "#a0c8ef"];
This color list 20 has HEX color codes used in order by the calculators. Most calculators only use the first few colors defined. You can change any of these colors, but they need to be HEX codes. You can use this page to help select HEX colors to use in your page: Color Selector