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Knowledge Base - How can I change global defaults and what are the global defaults that are available?

All global changes for default values are made in the KJESiteSpecific.js file. This file overrides normal settings that are defined in the KJE.js file. The KJESiteSpecific.js file is designed to be modified so that changes you make are retained when you apply updates to the calculator.

Not all defaults are used by all calculators. To change a global default, simply copy the appropriate line of code listed below and put as a line in your KJESiteSpecific.js file.

Rate of return defaults: 
KJE.Default.RORMarket = 7.0; 
KJE.Default.RORRetire = 4.0; 
KJE.Default.RORSave = 0.25;

Interest rate defaults: 
KJE.Default.RateCard = 16.00; 
KJE.Default.RatePersonal= 7.50; 
KJE.Default.RateFix15 = 4.00; 
KJE.Default.RateFix30 = 4.50; 
KJE.Default.RateAdj = 4.00; 
KJE.Default.RateAuto = 7; 
KJE.Default.RateAutoLow = 1.9; 
KJE.Default.MortgageAmt = 200000; 
KJE.Default.HomePrice = 220000; 
KJE.Default.MortgageMin = 0; 
KJE.Default.MortgageMax = 10000000; 
KJE.Default.MortgageRateMin = 1; 
KJE.Default.MortgageRateMax = 25;

Mortgage Term Defaults, range and increment settings: 
KJE.Default.MortgageTerm = 30; 
KJE.Default.MortgageTermMin = 1; 
KJE.Default.MortgageTermMax = 40; 
KJE.Default.MortgageTermIncrement = 5; 
KJE.Default.MortgageShowAll = true; 
KJE.Default.MortgageShowAllMax = 25;

Investment Rate of Return Range Defaults and settings: 
KJE.Default.InvestRateMin = 0; 
KJE.Default.InvestRateMax = 20; 
KJE.Default.InvestSliderRateMax = 12;

Inflation Range Defaults and settings: 
KJE.Default.InflationRateMin = 0; 
KJE.Default.InflationRateMax = 20; 
KJE.Default.InflationSliderRateMax = 12;

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